“Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.” -D.H. Lawrence

≘ Hours: Wednesday-Saturday, 10:30am-5:30pm – but, someone at the Egly household will usually be home & available to help out on the days we are closed

⌨ Email: Stephaniessecretgarden@gmail.com
✆ Phone Number: (301) 349-4050 – please leave a voicemail if Stephanie is unavailable to answer your call
⌖Address: Willow Pond Farm at 15115 Mount Nebo Road, Poolesville, MD 20837

If you would love to see more of Stephanie’s wonderfully unique work, please follow her on ⇟
Facebook: Stephanie’s Secret Garden Flower Shop Instagram: @stephsecgard

I’d like to leave but daffodils to mark my little way,
Edgar A. Guest
To leave but tulips red and white behind me as I stray;
I’d like to pass away from earth and feel I’d left behind
But roses and forget-me-nots for all who come to find.
I’d like to sow the barren spots with all the flowers of earth,
To leave a path where those who come should find but gentle mirth;
And when at last I’m called upon to join the heavenly throng
I’d like to feel along my way I’d left no sign of wrong.
And yet the cares are many and the hours of toil are few;
There is not time enough on earth for all I’d like to do;
But, having lived and having toiled, I’d like the world to find
Some little touch of beauty that my soul had left behind.